St Michael and All Angels, Pirbright

Electoral Roll

If you would like to become a voting member of the church in Pirbright, you need to apply to our Electoral Roll Officer, Andrew King.  
Membership involves no obligation or cost, but it does entitle you to attend the upcoming Annual Meeting on at 3pm on Sunday 26th May, and to have a say in how your local church is run.
Application forms to join the Roll are available here. For paper copies, please contact Andrew King (email,; tel, 01483-474913). 
Note that only new members need apply; if you are already a member your membership will be rolled over automatically.  There is an annual revision early in the year ahead of the Annual Meeting but new members may join at any time.

  • St Michael and All Angels, Pirbright Parish Church
  • Church Lane
  • Pirbright
  • Surrey
  • GU24 0JJ