St Michael and All Angels, Pirbright


Click here  see eco tips to help work towards a more environmentally friendly community.

Eco Church

At St Michael’s in Pirbright we are committed to joining a network of churches under the guidance of A Rocha UK, the Christian environmental charity, and Guildford Diocese in caring for God’s creation. We have set up a team to oversee a wide-ranging audit to assess how well we are addressing environmental issues through our lifestyle choices, communal worship and prayer, ethical investing, buildings and land management, and community engagement.

Fighting climate change is up to every one of us

Climate change is the defining crisis of our age. The approaching UN Climate Change conference (COP29) in Azerbaijan in November needs to address the global nature of the threat that human activity is posing to God’s Earth. All levels of UK Government – borough, county and national - have strategies in place for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, or sooner in some cases, which will profoundly affect the lives of all of us.

  • St Michael and All Angels, Pirbright Parish Church
  • Church Lane
  • Pirbright
  • Surrey
  • GU24 0JJ