St Michael and All Angels, Pirbright

Pirbright Gospel Choir

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The choir was formed in 2012 as an outreach project for St. Michael and All Angels Church, on the premise that singing is good for people, and singing together is even better. 

Under our inspirational Director Amy Ellis, the Pirbright Gospel Choir holds true to our original vision of being fun, inclusive, and giving everyone the opportunity to feel the joy of singing together.  Although retaining our association with the village church, the choir welcomes those of all faiths and none. Whilst we love Gospel and faith songs, we also enjoy a wide range of music, including folk, sea shanties, pop and classical music.  We meet on Wednesday evenings during term time at Pirbright Village Primary School, from 7:30pm to 9:00pm. 

Anyone is welcome to join, you don’t have to be able to read music and if you are not confident in your singing voice, don’t worry, you will be helped to make the most of the voice you have.  To find out more contact our Membership Secretary, Jeannette Carr on 01252 333197 or  

A warm welcome awaits you. 

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  • St Michael and All Angels, Pirbright Parish Church
  • Church Lane
  • Pirbright
  • Surrey
  • GU24 0JJ