Pirbright Village Fair 2024
PIRBRIGHT SUMMER FAIR - JUNE 8th 11am - 5pm So only a day to go now!!!! We hope you’re ready for a full day of fun, food and entertainment. If you’re driving into the village the parking is in the field by the church, make sure you go into the church room and check out the craft tables for individual hand made crafts on your way to the green. Pick up a programme if you don’t already have one so that you can see the timetable for entertainment in the main arena and where each of the stalls are. They will be available in the church room, the village hall, the information desk, the car park and many other places. Enjoy the day and feel free to come to the information desk if you need any help or info on the day
Click here to download the Programme for the fair
Meet a local Olympian!!!
We are delighted to announce that this
years fair will be opened by our own local Olympian so if you want to hear what
it is like to take part in the Olympics come along and meet them.
We have some great attractions for all to enjoy including:-
* children’s Olympics with a medal ceremony in the main arena 🏅
* Gymnastic and cheerleading display
* Crazy Golf
* Football Darts
* Classic car and motorbike display
As well as lots of your animal favourites from past years such as the dog show, donkey rides and petting zoo.
So please get in touch if you would like a stall or can offer some help on the day at pirbrightvillagefair@gmail.com
This years theme is the Paris Olympics and we would like all the local groups & societies to be represented by making an entry for the exhibition on the little green.
The entry can be anything to do with Paris or the Olympics so you have a wide range of subjects to choose from.
So get your creative juices flowing and start thinking about what spectacular installation you and your friends could create.
And remember if you would like a stall at the fair or can help us on the day with the many tasks that make the fair run smoothly please get in touch, this is your fair and we can’t do it without you!
Please contact us at pirbrightvillagefair@gmail.com
On Saturday 8th June 2024
To make this years’ village fair a success we
need your help - all we ask is for you to commit to a couple of hours on the day.
Please contact us at pirbrightvillagefair@gmail.com
- St Michael and All Angels, Pirbright Parish Church
- Church Lane
- Pirbright
- Surrey
- GU24 0JJ